Wednesday, September 19, 2007

100 days to go...

Today marks a milestone - 100 days until Baby Keller's estimated due date of 12/28/07 - so it seems befitting to start our new family blog today. We plan on updating our blog regularly to share with you the notable events of our lives, through the end of our pregnancy, arrival of our much-longed-for Baby Keller, and so on.

As most, if not all, of you know, we have been through much in this pregnancy already. From an emergency surgery at 7 weeks (Baby Keller briefly had an unexpected twin, who was stuck in Jenny's fallopian tube, thereby causing the tube to rupture and internal bleeding, resulting in a life threatening situation for both Mommy and Baby) , to a subchorionic hematoma (bleeding within Baby Keller's placenta) at 9 weeks, to pre-term labor at 22 weeks (!!) - and more doctor-ordered bed rest than we can even count, it truly is a miracle that Baby Keller is healthy and doing well in utero. Baby Keller sure has proven already that he/she is a fighter, through and through!

And yes, it still is true that we do not know, and are not finding out, the gender of Baby Keller before he/she chooses to make an official appearance. The Easter Bunny and Santa Clause conspired to bring us this New Year Baby, and we won’t ruin their surprise.

Stay tuned for upcoming additions, Baby Keller’s name revealing, and of course a poll for you to vote in as to Baby Keller’s weight, length, and birthdate.


The Bunkers said...

Congratulations on the launching of the Keller Family blog!!! I am so excited to be able to watch the next 100 days unfold as my little "niece" or "nephew" prepares for birth day! Now lets see some BELLY SHOTS!
love you guys

Anonymous said...

Love the blog. Great idea. I love the baby being identified as baby Keller. Jenny and Mike i am truly excited for you. This baby will indeed be an angel from God. It is a long time since our family has had a little one to join us, so baby Keller will be very much loved and spoiled. Both you and Mike will make terrific parents and your dog and 3 cats will become very loving and protective of baby Keller just as grandma's dog Cayce did with you and Becky when you were babies.
